What are the Symptoms of Sihr?


QuestionsWhat are the Symptoms of Sihr?
Zahidah Hanania asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 3 years ago
These are the 17 symptoms of sihr most commonely happen.
  1. If you feel someone is plotting against you but nothing is happening and then suddenly something happens to them (or an order they give) and its something bad and might harm them, this could be a sign that sihr has been done on you or them. For example, you go out with your friends and someone you both know is with you and then she falls ill this you both know is with you and then she falls ill, this could be a sign of sihr.
  2. Or if you feel there is someone who does not like you or goes against your decisions, but they change their opinion after a while and they no longer hate you or go against any of your decisions, this could also be a sign that sihr has been done on them. For exaplmle, you have an enemy who hates you very much and he always speaks to others about how bad you are until one day he changes his attitude towards you.
  3. All of sudden you starts to fight with your husband or boyfriend this is also symptoms of shir of sepration.
  4. If the person speaks badly about another person who is not present, then later learns that that person was present at the time they spoke about him/her, this could also be a symptoms of sihr.
  5. If there is someone who always shows enmity towards you and they try to make your husband/wife leave you or hate you, but then this person starts to like you or order comes from him/her that benefits you and its something good this might also be a sign of sihr.
  6. Without medical reasons you starts to having abdonimal pain and feels discomfort with your belly. Having stomach ache is also symptom of sihr in stomach.
  7. There could be an enemy that hates to see good things happen between you and your husband/wife or family members and then one day they decide to praise what happened or support it without being asked to do so by anyone else, which could also indicate the effects of sihr.
  8. You might notice there’s someone who tries very hard to give you advice that is against your nature or tries to change your behavior, but then their behavior towards you changes or they stop talking about what annoyed them or offering you advice, this could be a symptom of sihr.
  9. If there’s someone who does not like you and they keep trying to find something wrong with what you do, looking for the smallest detail in an attempt to upset you, but then suddenly their attitude changes and they stop picking apart your actions, this too could be a symptom of sihr.
  10. If there’s someone who always finds fault with everything you do, always asks questions about how the muslim community should act or insists on following its own opinions no matter how imparactial it seems, even though he/she has no qualifications, but one day their opinions change community without being asked to do so, this also could be a sing of sihr.
  11. There’s someone who always says or does something that hurts you then tries to cover it up with an excuse even thought he/she knows what they are doing is wrong, but then they stop saying or doing anything that may upset you, this could also be a reault of sihr. You would find out who did sihr on you after this abnormal things happening.
  12. If there’s someone who hates you very much and spreads bad things about you without any reason, but after time passes they stop spreading negative things about you even thought they have no real reason for changing their attitude towards you, this too could be a reault of sihr.
  13. If you are always aware that someone is thinking badly about you or plotting against you, but then suddenly that person becomes very nice towards you and you notice they are trying to from a relationship with you, this could also indicate the effects of sihr.
  14. Or if there’s someone who hates everything about your personality and badmouths everything about you whenever he/she gets the chance, but then one day they start speaking highly of what people like in your personality even thought there is no reason for them to do so, this too could be a sing of sihr which has affected their tongue.
  15. If there is someone who does not like certain family members because of jelous or other reasons, but then their attitude changes towards them and they start showing love for one of these family members without being asked to do so, this could be a symptom of black magic.
  16. There are some people who are always suspicious of certain things you do, even if there is no harm in it but then everything that seemed suspicious before becomes completely above-aboard all because the person belives that it is good now, this too could indicate sihr.
  17. If there’s someone who never did anything unusual before except when he or she was upset with you but after time passes his or her behavior seems strange even when he or she does not have any particular reason to act the way he or she does, this could be a sign of sihr.
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