A chakra guru meditator fortune teller would not let customers pee when they needed to was this nice or helpful?


QuestionsA chakra guru meditator fortune teller would not let customers pee when they needed to was this nice or helpful?
Rakhi asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 4 years ago
No. This is very undecent and even not helpful in any way. As you mentioned here meditator but meditation should do in a relaxed and clean condition. There is only one possibility is that if you went to a Muslim spiritual healer and he asked you to do wazu. He did not let you pee because if you pee then you have to do wazu again. Similarly, that area may not have enough water to do wazu again and again. Otherwise, I do not see any reason for a chakra guru meditator fortune teller would not let customers pee when they needed it. Controlling pee has nothing to do with fortune-telling or meditation.
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