What is wazifa?


QuestionsWhat is wazifa?
Noor Fatima asked 4 years ago
4 Answers
Muhammad Yunus answered 4 years ago
Wazifa means to the conflict to attain your preference desires and in an Arabic manner to hire, both that means can not be implied right here as it is in opposition to the majesty of God. Human beings practice Wazifa to solve their trouble or obtain something that they want via Wazifa.
What is Wazifa in other words is. that you repeat some words again and again to solve any specif problem. These words should only obey God. And do not contain any Shirkia word. These words should be under the circle of Islam called Wazifa.
Some examples are:
Wazifa for Love
Wazifa for success
Wazifa for Good Luck
Ghazanfar answered 4 years ago
what is wazifa means to say words same time for certain period of time. These words should not have any kufr. This is what wazifa mean is.
Main Mohammed Ali shah answered 4 years ago
Islam never permitted wazifa it was created by Pakistanian and Indian Muslims.as long as you pray five times a day and ask Allah for what you need then that is the best wazifa.
Akhtar Bhai
Spiritual Healer replied 4 years ago

There is a huge difference between namaz and Wazifa. Namaz is Faraz and Wazifa does not Fraz. Indians or Pakistani Muslims are more practicings that is why you think they made Wazifa at home. But the truth is totally different. I am going to mention here some references that Wazifa is allowed in Islam.
1-“The supplication of Yunus which he prayed whilst in the belly of the whale is: La ilaha illa Anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minadhaalimin. Whichever Muslim recites it for anything, Allah will respond to his prayer.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 5/529)
2-“Whoever offers supplication in the words of the supplication of Yunus, will be answered.” (Musnad Abi Ya’la, 2/65)
Similarly, more references are given below.
3-(Sahih al-Bukhari, 3/93, Sahih Muslim, 4/1727)
4-(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 5/501)
5-(Madaarij as-Saalikin, 1/446)

Mian Muhammed Ali Sha if you think that Wazifa is not allowed in Islam then you must give us a reference. So, we can mention here and Muslims who are doing Wazifa should stop right away because it is prohibited in Islam.

L. Al Ahdab answered 3 years ago
@Main Muhammed Ali Saleh is right in my opinion. I wanted to do a Wazifa to see the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in my dream, but before I did it, I saw a question online regarding whether Wazifa is halal or haram, and I realized that it‘s better not to do it, safety first, you know. Wazifa is not mentioned in the Qur‘an either, and I haven‘t heard of a hadith regarding this. @Akhtar Bai and about what Yunus did, I don‘t believe it was Wazifa, I rather think it was a simple Duaa. And if Allah wants something to happen, a simple Duaa should be enough. That‘s my opinion, and Allah knows best.
Iqbal Khan
replied 3 years ago

You are right that wazifa is not mentioned in Quran but that doesnt mean that it is haram. Not only wazifa there are many important things not mentioned in Quran. For example,
Not all 5 prayers mentioned in Quran.
Not mentioned the Wazu procedure.
Not mentioned the exact percentage of the Zakat.
Also, the Yunus a.s did was dua and He repeated many times that is why we say it is wazifa. You can name a dua wazifa if you are repeating it many times.
The definition for what is wazifa is that a simple dua you are reciting many times is Wazifa.

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