There are different aspects of seeing a dead squirrel in front of your house. I am going to cover all aspects. First of all, there is a famous black magic love spell in Asia. Where cold heart spellcaster kills a squirrel and throws it in front of the desire house. If they can not do that they just bury in the middle of the street often uses by desire.

Furthermore, there may be a road in front of your house and a squirrel injured and died in front of your house. In that case, you have nothing to do with that.
Similarly, your neighbor may have a cat and cat kill a squirrel in from of your house. There will be no bad luck for you if this happened too.
In conclusion, the omen of seeing a dead squirrel in front of your house has different aspects.
- Someone did black magic.
- Squirrel injured on-road and died in front of your house (not bad).
- Cat kill squirrel (not bad).
- Someone did this on purpose (may bring bad luck).
If you saw someone is throwing a dead squirrel in front of your house there are two possible reasons. First, maybe they did black magic but black magic requires only once to do this. Secondly, they just want to get rid of it without any bad intentions. I can not say anything confirms without check. You can contact WhatsApp at +923226690-723 to discuss your situation. Also, you can remove this squirrel from your garden.
That is good that you already have removed the dead squirrel from your house. Squirrels mostly use to do magic spells but in your case, I can not sure without check. For making sure you can contact WhatsApp at +9232266-90723.
Some cruel spellcaster does these things to kill a squirrel brutely and use hairs to do black magic to hurt someone and make them sick. The dead squirrel should not necessarily be in front of your door.