How to cast a love spell on a boy?


QuestionsHow to cast a love spell on a boy?
Rakshanda Jalil asked 4 years ago
2 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 4 years ago
Casting a love spell on a boy or girl is the same thing. Only need to adjust change names and maybe require different herbs. I agree there are some love spells that would only do for specifically men. These spells are mostly professional spells and only a spellcaster can cast those spells. On the other hand, it is very hard for you to cast a love spell that is only specifically for boys. So, a spell that can use for any gender is much better because anyone can do it easily and recommend to friends that this spell worked for them.

I already have wrote detailed about how to cast a love spell on a boy. Go and learn details of doing a love spell on a boy or girl. If there is any help require for do love spell leave a comment below or direct contact +923226690723 WhatsApp.

Hadeel Maraam answered 3 years ago
Is it possible to do this love spell to bring ex back or this only going to work for the one who is already in your life. 
Akhtar Bhai
Spiritual Healer replied 3 years ago

Yes, this spell can be done for ex back or any boy to put love feelings. After casting the spell he will do love and then back to you. Similarly, this spell can do for another boy the one who is not ex. That can be a friend or relative. He does not love you but you do love then this is the right spell.

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